"The Crimson Case Files" is an engaging and thought-provoking microsite exploring the dark underbelly of the entertainment industry. It delves into the grooming and exploitation of child performers through a creative "whodunit" murder mystery theme. Using data visualisation techniques and storytelling, this project illuminates real-world cases of abuse, highlighting the systemic failures and predatory practices within the industry.
The site's narrative is designed to resonate with teens and young adults, shedding light on hidden dangers behind the allure of fame. Its Sherlock Holmes-inspired design incorporates newspaper-style typography, redacted text, and interactive elements to uncover the truth in an innovative way.
The microsite’s creation involved an intricate blend of graphic design and narrative development to balance sensitivity with impact. The aesthetic mimics a murder mystery board, utilising red string visuals to connect key elements. Fonts were chosen strategically to evoke old-Hollywood charm and the mystery genre, while the primary layout combines vector illustrations and photographic elements for authenticity. Unconventional data visualizations, such as redacted text revealing hidden information, and interactive quizzes enhance engagement.
Feedback was instrumental in refining the design to ensure accessibility and emotional resonance, resulting in a deeply impactful and educational experience.Unconventional data visualisations, such as redacted text revealing hidden information, and interactive quizzes enhance engagement. Feedback was instrumental in refining the design to ensure accessibility and emotional resonance, resulting in a deeply impactful and educational experience.